
Since entering the computer industry, I have gradually open-sourced some projects I developed, all hosted on GitHub: github.com/hxhb. Article: UE Toolkit: Introduction to My Open Source Projects.

List of Open Source Projects:

Projects modified on other open source projects:

  • debugable-unlua: Modified based on the Tencent/UnLua repository, aimed at creating a ready-to-use UnLua, adding debug solutions and some basic lua libraries to unlua, supporting UE’s UFS, editor optimizations, basic static symbol exports, and bug fixes.
  • unlua-pb: Implements UnLua support for lua-ptorobuf , allowing files within UFS to be loaded via pb.loadufsfile, and supporting UE’s UFS files when using protoc:loadfile/protoc:parserfile, while also processing imported proto files within other UFS.