工欲善其事,必先利其器!Mastering the right tools can elevate development efficiency to a new level.
This article is a compilation of notes I usually keep in notes about the UE toolchain and some configuration and usage tips for tools using UE. Future content in this area will also be included in this article.
Below are some standalone articles I previously wrote about the UE toolchain or relevant extensions:
Analyzing the content distribution restrictions of EULA in UBT
The EULA License Grant/(A) of UE clearly states that content developed using UE and redistributed must not include uncooked source formats or paid content developed based on engine tools. This article studies the specific content distribution details in the EULA and how to technically circumvent this limitation.
PixelStreaming: Basic Concepts and Getting Started
Symbols count in article: 7.8k Reading time ≈ 19 mins.
PixelStreaming is a technology supported by UE_4.21 that enables games to run on a server, allowing players to play via a browser. The player side requires no additional operation, only needing a browser, while all logic processing and rendering occurs in the “cloud.” It is not merely a plugin (although there is the PixelStreamingPlugin, which is just one part of the PixelStreaming implementation). Its implementation has a distinct design and organizational approach independent of UE games.
This article mainly introduces the basic concepts of PixelStreaming and shares practical experiences with the Demo using PixelStreaming.
UE Modules:Find the DLL and load it
On Windows, UE modules are loaded via DLL lookup in non-IS_MONOLITHIC
(Monolithic) mode, which means they are not packed into a single executable file. You can call functions like LoadModuleWithFailureReason
or LoadModuleChecked
from FModuleManager
to load a module by passing its string name. This article serves as an extension and supplement to UE4 Modules: Load and Startup, focusing on the details of DLL lookup and loading for modules rather than the timing and order of engine startup and module loading.
UE access to SteamSDK and related information
To launch a game on Steam, it is necessary to integrate the SteamSDK. This article briefly introduces the method of integrating SteamSDK in UE4, with future content related to integrating Steam platform services also included in this article.
The integration of SteamSDK allows the game to connect with the Steam community, which has a robust community ecosystem that Epic’s newly launched Epic Games Store cannot currently compete with~(of course, I support market competition).
UE code analysis: GConfig loading
The UE4 provides a mature configuration mechanism for INI files, and the engine uses ini as configuration files for both the engine and projects. This article will briefly analyze the loading of GConfig in the engine.
UE development problem notes and data collection
In daily development and learning, I have encountered and resolved some issues and collected some materials, which I have casually written down in notes. I have accumulated a fair amount related to UE, while other topics are mixed together and relatively chaotic. I have organized them into this article. Unlike the UE4 and VR Development Technical Notes, the content here is more focused on actual problem records and material collection within projects.
HTC Vive Tracker Developer Guide
HTC released the Vive accessory Vive Tracker to expand devices connected to SteamVR. It also features Pogo pins, allowing users to DIY special function accessories. Recently, I’ve seen some amazing creative uses of the Vive Tracker. Relevant materials and technical details are organized in this article.
Create A Standalone Application in UE4
Symbols count in article: 4.8k Reading time ≈ 12 mins.
Although UE is a game engine, it is not limited to writing games—you can even use it to write Win32 GUI applications 😏. Typically, we create a UE game project using the Editor and build our own classes based on it for use in the game. However, if you don’t want to create a game project, UE also supports Standalone Applications that can construct their own programs autonomously from the main
function, fully controlling which Modules to enable without relying on the engine’s own logical architecture. This can also serve as a lightweight method for learning and testing UE modules.
Note: UE does not provide a direct method to create a Standalone Application, so I wrote a tool to create a
project: hxhb/ue4program, and implemented a demo for a standalone tool: hxhb/UE4Launcher.
LaTeX Mathematical Symbols Quick Lookup Table
Recently, while reading The Dragon Book DX12, I’ve been using LaTeX to document some formulas. To facilitate searching, I’ve compiled a table of commonly used LaTeX mathematical symbols syntax. More symbols can be found at LaTeX:Symbols.