
When designing classes to overload operators, it is essential to choose whether to implement the operator as a member or as a regular non-member function.

Must be defined as regular member functions

Operators such as assignment (=), subscript ([]), call (()), and member pointer (->) must be defined as members. Defining these operators as non-member functions will result in a compile-time error.

Compound assignment operators (+=/-=/*=//=) are generally recommended to be defined as members of the class.

It is not strictly necessary to do this; defining non-member compound assignment operators will not result in an error.

Other operators that modify object state or are closely related to a given type.

Operators such as increment, decrement, and dereference are typically recommended to be defined as class members.

IO operators must be non-member functions

When we define IO operators as member functions, the left operand can only be an object of that class type.

This is the opposite of our usual approach:

// When IO operators are member functions
classObject << cout;
// Common IO usage
cout << classObject;

To use the normal usage method, the left operand must be of the ostream type. If this operator is a member of the class, it must be a member of the ostream class; however, since ostream is part of the standard library, we cannot add members to classes in the standard library.

Symmetric operators, such as *arithmetic operators (+-/), **equality operators (==), relational operators (><), and bitwise operators (&) are best defined as regular non-member functions.

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World Count:1.4k Words
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